Pesach is the Yom Tov of Emuna. We spend the Seder night and the rest of Yom Tov as well contemplating the miracles that Hakadosh Baruch Hu did for our forefathers. We come to the realization that He created and owns the world, is all-capable and therefore, by definition, the only power, and that He knows what humans are doing and acts with them accordingly. 

Sometimes though we are unsure how to apply our belief in Hashem to our everyday life. We don't know when we are supposed to be doing more and when we should put our trust in Him. In the clip below, from our recent event, a practical question was asked, "If someone is not making enough money to meet their needs, but could be if everything would be working out with their job, should they add more hours of work at the expense of their learning and/or family time or trust in Hashem that were they to be deserving of more money it would come during regular business hours?” Watch the video for the answer.



Rav Elya Lopian זצ"ל was asked by Rav Nosson Wachtfogel זצ"ל what a person needs to keep in mind in order to lead a proper life. Rav Elya told him that one needs to go through life with the first chapter of Mesilas Yesharim and the Ramban at the end of Parshas Bo. In truth the Ramban has three parts; the Emuna we get from יציאת מצרים and that Pesach is the time to transmit it to future generations, that the purpose of all of Creation is for us to recognize Hashem by doing His will, and that the open miracles help us understand that all of nature is one big miracle, albeit a constant, hidden, miracle.

The second point, that we are here to do His will is how we are supposed to live our lives. At our recent event, Rav Shmuel Baron, Rosh Yeshiva of Imrei Binah related a story with Rav Shach that illustrates this point. Watch the short video above for the story.



This week's Parsha contains the list of the forbidden relationships and a strong warning to do what we can to ensure that we do not Chas V'shalom fall. The Torah prefaces the list with the admonishment, "לא תקרבו לגלות ערוה, Do not approach to uncover nakedness" (16:6). The Mechaber (E"H 20:1) rules like the Rambam that this Pasuk includes a Biblical Prohibition against physical contact with a woman with whom relations are forbidden; unlike the Ramban who is of the opinion that the prohibition is Rabbinic in nature. The Beis Shmuel (ibid. 1) writes that both the Ramban and Rambam agree that any physical contact is included, even if is not an endearing method of touch. The Shach (Y"D 195:20), however, writes that only touch that is of a nature of desire and evoking affection is prohibited. We generally follow the Shach, thus allowing doctors to treat women even though they need to touch them.The question remains though, what circumstances are interpreted as physical but non-affectionate touch? And what are the other Halachic questions surrounding such scenarios? At our recent event Rabbi Shmuel Weiner שליט"א, Rav of K'hal Zichron Nosson Tzvi, discussed this topic. Watch the video above for the answer.



 One of the fundamentals of running any successful business is that you have to have customers. If you don't have any income you can't make any money. It is therefore important to market your product, and by promoting it attract more clients. 

When promoting a product or service, what does one have to be careful with? Can one just try to lure anyone they meet to purchase from them? Or is it an issue to convince someone into buying something they don't really need? At our event two months ago, Rabbi Eliezer Marburger שליט”א, Rav of K'hal Sharei Tfilah, discussed the practical implication of "לפני עור לא תתן מכשול, Do not place a stumbling block before a blind person" ( Vayikra 19:14). Watch the video above for the details.



A large portion of this week's Parsha is devoted to the different Yomim Tovim. The common theme among all Yomim Tovim, and indeed Shabbos as well, is the refrain recited at the end of Kiddush, זכר ליציאת מצרים. The general idea is that all of the Yomim Tovim are in some way connected to the Exodus when הקב"ה set us free. In celebrating redemption, we can celebrate as a nation, or as an individual.

There was an event in Lakewood, NJ before Pesach to give chizuk to those who are transitioning to work, and Rav Elya Brudny שליט"א, noted that we have to focus on that we as individuals were redeemed and chosen to serve Hashem. Wherever we find ourselves we must realize that each one of us was chosen and has to use our unique capabilities, in our own personal situations to do what is right. Watch the video above.



In this week's Parsha the B'nei Yisroel are commanded to observe Shemittah and take off from working their fields for an entire year. This obligation is one of the hardest for a working person to adhere to. The Torah tells us that Hakadosh Baruch Hu promises those that keep Shemittah that they will have a blessed crop in the sixth year; enabling them to have sustenance even when they aren't working.

The message of Shemittah is that our livelihood comes from Hakadosh Baruch Hu and we do not suffer from listening to Him. If adhering to a Mitzva causes us a financial loss we must realize that we were not meant to receive that money; and any money that we were supposed to get will reach us through another channel. At our event two months ago, Chaim Silver, Senior Loan Originator at Harborview Capital Partners, shared his thoughts on this matter. Watch the video above to see what he had to say.



Rashi famously begins this week's Parsha by telling us that אם בחוקתי תלכו refers to עמלות בתורה. Going in the path that we are supposed to requires us to be involved in learning. In truth, this is much easier when one is still in Yeshiva and Kollel as the focus on עמלות בתורה takes up a large part of the day. However, even when one does not have as much time they are required to make the most of their situation.

At our event two months ago, Harav Aharon Lopiansky שליט"א, Rosh HaYeshiva of the Yeshiva of Greater Washington, and author of Orchos Chaim - Ben Torah For Life, shared a piece of advice to help those in the workforce achieve the goal of creating a river of Torah. Watch the video above for the advice.




As we approach the Yom Tov of Kabbalas Hatorah, it is important for us to prepare ourselves to make a personal Kabbalas Hatorah. We need to figure out the best way for us to keep growing in our learning and make it happen. At our event two and a half months ago, Rabbi Chaim Zvi Senter שליט"א, Rosh Yeshiva of Aderes Hatorah shared a story and some insight on the topic. Watch the video above to see what he had to say.



This week’s Parsha contains both the detailed to laws of the Nazir, and the Sotah, who had an inappropriate relationship. One of the laws of the Nazir is that he may not eat any grape products, lest he come to drink wine. The Mesilas Yesharim (Chapter 11) quotes the Medrash Rabba that writes that just as the Nazir has safeguards against drinking wine, so too do we need to erect boundaries to prevent unseemly conduct with those of the opposite gender. There are many boundaries given, some from the Torah while others are Rabbinic in origin, to prevent illicit behavior. One of the laws that is not so clearly defined is the dictum not to engage in excessive speech with women (Pirkei Avos 1:5). What is considered excessive? And doesn’t one also need to be a mensch and accord women with the proper respect? At our event this past Adar II, Rabbi Shmuel Weiner שליט”א, Rav of K'hal Zichron Nosson Tzvi, discussed the issue drawing largely from a T’shuva in the Igros Moshe (E”H 4:60). Watch the video above to see the conclusion. Click here for the T’shuva

 Beha'alosecha 5779

What "Meat" Was Better Than The Mahn?


The Pasuk (11:4) tells us that the B’nei Yisrael wept and said “Who will feed us meat?”. There is an obvious question that many raise. Didn’t they have any meat, after all they had plenty of livestock? Furthermore, didn’t the mahn taste like anything that the one eating it desired? The Medrash Tanchuma answers that the “meat” that they desired was human flesh, i.e. to have illicit relationships. They were unhappy about being confined to the rules of the Torah.

At our event this past Adar II, Rabbi Shmuel Baron שליט”א, Rosh Yeshiva of Yeshiva Imrei Bina, discussed how we are no different and also have normal desire. Our first line of defense is controlling our eyes, which is a basic requirement for an Ehrliche Yid. Watch the video or listen to the audio above to see what he had to say.

 Korach 5779 - Just Be Yourself


The גמרא in סנהדרין קי tells us כל המחזיק במחלוקת עובר בלאו שנאמר ולא יהיה כקרח וכעדתו. Maintaining the peace is in fact a bona fide חיוב דאורייתא according to many authorities. Sometimes, however, people are so afraid of any conflict that they literally stop being themselves, thinking that if they mimic everyone else they will prevent friction. This can be a problem if the behaviors, attitudes, and/or actions of those around them do not fit with their ideals.

At the Business Halacha Summit, before the Agudah Midwest Convention this past December, Mr. Yonason Ghermezian shared a beautiful thought. He pointed out that if we would just be ourselves people will get over the initial feelings that there are differences between us, and respect us for who we are. Watch or listen above to hear what he had to say.

 Chukas 5779 - Maintaining Our Standards


This week’s Parsha contains the passing of both Miriam Haneviah and Aharon Hakohein, which was the beginning of the end of the B’nei Yisrael’s sojourn in the desert. Our forefathers watched as Elazar Hakohein was anointed to replace his father, and began to see the end of one era and the beginning of another. To some extent life in Kollel is like the life that the B’nei Yisrael had in the desert. There is a protective wall surrounding those who spend the majority of their day in the Beis Medrash; protecting them from the world outside. The main occupation is learning Torah. And, for some, food, water, and clothing are provided. And then at some point it comes to an end.

When descending from the life in the clouds one must ensure that they are ready for what awaits them. It is important to recognize that there will be a different playing field in which to thrive. Likewise it is important, especially while one is still in the כותלי בית המדרש , to create goals to attain and standards to maintain. At our event this past Adar II Rabbi Zecharya Greenwald שליט”א, Menahel of Meohr Bais Yaakov Seminary, discussed how to plan for the future. Watch or listen above to hear an excerpt from what he had to say.



 In this week's Parsha Bilaam sought to curse our forefathers but Hashem turned all of his curses into Brachos. When Jews work with Non-Jews they are often afraid of being ridiculed because of their differences. While humiliation is not a curse, most people would prefer to have a strategy to turn the negative attention into positive attention.

At our event this past Adar II, Rabbi Rabbi Eliezer Marburger שליט"א Rav of K’hal Sharei T’filah and Rosh Chabura in Yeshivas Mir Yerushalayim mentioned the three rules that Rav Avraham Pam זצ"ל gave for a Jew going into the workforce. Rav Pam said that if you keep these three rules nobody will care what else you do and they will respect you. Watch or listen above to hear what he had to say.

 Pinchas 5779 - WHAT IS TRUE REALITY?


The daughters of Tzelofchad approached Moshe Rabbeinu with a complaint about their father’s estate. They claimed that even as daughters they are rightful heirs, and proved the legitimacy of their Halachic status as children due to their mother being exempt from Yibum (see Rashi to 27:4).

In a video message about the current sugya being learned in Daf Yomi, Rabbi Aharon Lopiansky שליט”א, Rosh Hayeshiva of Yeshiva of Greater Washington, expounded on their claim and הקב”ה accepting their plea. He pointed out that their argument was based on that Halacha is reality and therefore cannot contradict itself. He then shared a story about his father-in-law, Rab Beinish Finkel זצ”ל, and how we must ensure in business that our methods do not contradict the reality of Halacha. Watch or listen above for what he had to say.

 Matos-Masei 5779 - Job Search 101


In this week’s Parshios many steps were taken to prepare the B’nei Yisrael to enter Eretz Yisrael. Moshe Rabbeinu’s last war, discussions of land division, choosing proxies for each Shevet, and defining the borders of Eretz Yisrael were some of the matters that were considered and taken care of.

When someone prepares to look for a job; they also think about the job requirements, what compensation and benefits they will receive, and how pleasant the work environment is. One thing that people sometimes neglect to keep in mind is how the atmosphere and requirements of the job will affect their Ruchniyus. At our event this past Adar II, Mr. Yitz Goldman emphasized the importance of not putting ourselves in a hole. Watch or listen above for what he had to say.

 Devarim 5779 - The Volozhin Days Are Over!!


It is no coincidence that Parshas Devarim is always read right before Tisha B’av; with the Haftorah of Shabbos Chazon. The Parsha begins with Moshe Rabbeinu admonishing the B’nei Yisrael and encouraging them to better their ways. This idea, of focusing on what we have done wrong and trying to improve, is a theme of Tisha B’av. On Tisha B’av we utilize the emotion of sadness to recognize what we are missing. We focus on all the tzaros that exist as a result of the sins in the world. We can then lament how far we really are from living a true Torah existence which would be infinitely easier were the Shechinah to dwell on this world, in the Beis Hamikdash.

However, the objective isn’t to be depressed; but to be so sad that we want to do whatever we can to make things better. Being that we don’t have the power of the Shechina’s presence on this world, we have to use different tools to inspire ourselves. The best weapon in our arsenal is learning מוסר. Indeed the משנה ברורה writes in סימן א ס”ק י”ב that there is an obligation to learn מוסר every day. At our event this past Adar II Rabbi Shmuel Baron שליט”א, Rosh Yeshiva of Imrei Bina, stressed this point and related a story about the power of מוסר. Watch or listen above for what he had to say.

Eikev 5779 - Who Turns On The Lightbulbs?


וזכרת את ה אלוקיך כי הוא הנותן לך כח לעשות חיל. The Pasuk instructs us that even as Hashem blesses us with material success we must remember that He is the one pulling all the strings. It is easy at times to forget where the source of all blessing is. It becomes even easier to forget when one’s prosperity is being attained through the channel of one’s Hishtadlus. If the deal one is trying to close fell through but something else landed in their lap it is obvious that Hashem arranged it. But it is when the deal one was pursuing results in a profit that the true challenge of remembering who really closed the deal arises.

At the Business Halacha Summit this past winter, Rabbi Nissim Abrin שליט”א, Rav of Bais Avrohom in Cleveland, OH, noted a very true barometer for our level of Emuna. He pointed out that those who daven properly exhibit the realization that everything comes from Above. Imploring הקב”ה to grant livelihood demonstrates the cognizance that mortals are powerless, and that הכל בידי שמים חוץ מיראת שמים. Watch or listen above to see what he had to say.

 Re’eh 5779 - THE BIG FACTOR


כי יסיתך אחיך בן -אמך-יג:ז. The Gemara in(:קידושין (פ, tells us that this is the source for the איסור of Yichud. While the laws and intricacies of the law of Yichud may be slightly complex, the basic idea is a simple one. Indeed the רמב”ם writes in הלכות איסורי ביאה פרק כ”ב הלכה כ - ויזהר מן היחוד שהוא הגורם הגדול. The רמב”ם is telling us that the big factor that leads to sin is seclusion of men and women. If we can adhere to the dictums of חז”ל we will take a huge step towards preventing something that we do not want to do.

At our event this past Adar II, Rabbi Shmuel Weiner שליט”א, Rav of K’hal Zichron Nosson Tzvi, gave a brief summary of the fundamentals of Yichud. Watch or listen above for what he had to say.

For a slightly more detailed compilation on Yichud click here for the Chukai Chaim on Yichud; and for in-depth coverage of the topic the book “The Laws of Yichud - Rabbi Shraga Kallus - Rabbi Avraham Chaim Slansky “ is highly recommended.

 Shoftim 5779 - Living in the Present


תמים תהיה עם ה’ אלוקיך. Rashi’s explanation of the Pasuk is that we shouldn’t be trying to predict the future; rather we should live in the present moment and have בטחון in הקב”ה regarding the future.

At the Business Halacha Summit presented by Agudath Israel of Illinois this past winter, Rabbi Yosef Elefant שליט”א of Yeshivas Mir Yerushalayim, discussed the concept that people want to be “comfortable” as a goal unto itself. He discussed how the need for sustenance each day requires us to have a constant connection with Hashem, and that the only feeling of comfort we should be having is that our פרנסה is in the hands of ‘ה. Watch or listen above for what he had to say. For the full speech click here.


Rosh Hashana 5780 - Message from Our Rav


As we approach the Yom Hadin we all look for ideas how to merit a favorable judgement. Our Rav, Rabbi Shmuel Weiner שליט”א, of K’hal Zichron Nosson Tzvi in Ramat Eshkol, prepared a special video message with two points on how to conduct ourselves this Rosh Hashana. Watch or listen above to see what he had to say.

 Vayeilech 5780 - What is Your True Quest?


During the time between Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur we are all invariably trying to better ourselves and be deserving of being sealed for a good year. Often we are torn between what weighs on our minds, our needs; and the understanding that during this week we are coronating Hashem as our king. In a video sent out this week by Mir Yerushalayim, Rabbi Meir Wahrseger שליט”א, R”M in Mir Yerushalayim, discussed this dichotomy and how we can reconcile the conflicting goals.

He suggested that we understand that in truth we are here to help Klal Yisroel, either through our actions or by acting properly and thereby making the world a better place. If we have that in mind as our true quest, we can beseech הקב”ה to grant our bequests and thus have a stable life with which to serve Him. As the Mesilas Yesharim tells us in the first chapter, נמצינו למדים כי עיקר מציאות האדם בעולם הזה הוא רק לקיים מצות ולעבוד ולעמוד בנסיון והנאות העולם אין ראוי שיהיו לו אלא לעזר ולסיוע בלבד לשיהיה לו נחת רוח וישוב דעת למען יוכל לפנות לבו אל העבודה הזאת המוטלת עליו. If we can all keep this in mind we can ask Hashem to grant us what we need to give us the peace of mind so that we can invest all of our energy into good things. Watch or listen above to hear what he had to say.

 Bereishis 5780 - Why Do We Work Anyway?


It is in this week’s Parsha that we find the root of why we need to work so hard to remain Rooted. It is due to the חטא of אדם הראשון that we are forced to earn our keep through sweat and toil and not spend our lives fully immersed in Torah and mitzvos. We must understand though, what does הקב”ה want from us in our current state? Does He want us to achieve anything through our work? Or is it a pure curse with no purpose in mind?

At our event this past Adar II, Rabbi Eliezer Marburger שליט”א - Rav, K’hal Sharei T’filah and Rosh Chabura, Yeshivas Mir Yerushalayim discussed this question. He quoted the Chovos Halevavos in ’שער הבטחון פרק ג who writes that there are two reasons why הקב”ה wants us to work. The first reason is to test us if we will work within the parameters of the Torah and understand that it all comes from Him anyway; or will we abuse our desire for money and try to gain wealth outside the guidelines that are set for us in the Torah. Secondly, he writes, is because most people who have too much time on their hands don’t use it properly; and therefore הקב”ה wanted us to be kept busy. Watch or listen above to see what Rabbi Marburger שליט”א had to say.



The generation of the Mabul was infamous for their ingenuity in discovering ways to sin. They were the paradigm of what it means to do evil in so many ways. Rashi writes that their fate was sealed because of theft. In truth, the thievery of that society was unique, as they would steal less than a שוה פרוטה in order to be “exempt” from punishment.

At last year’s Business Halacha Summit, Rabbi Avrohom Kahn שליט”א - Rav of Congregation Khal New City and founder of the Bais Din Vaad Hadin V’horaah mentioned a fascinating point. The Halacha is that someone who tries to renege on a purchase that they already paid for but did not yet make a קנין on gets a curse that they should be met with the same retribution as the people of the Generation of the Mabul. The Avnei Nezer explains that someone who seeks to utilize Halachic loopholes for their own benefit, and at the expense of their friend is deserving of such treatment. Withdrawing from a transaction that was paid for is like stealing less than a שוה פרוטה. The Torah isn’t meant for us to manipulate. Watch or listen above to see what Rabbi Kahn שליט”א had to say.

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One of the first lessons that children are taught about Avraham Avinu is that he muzzled his animals. Avraham, who recognized הקב”ה on his own, knew that every dollar he would ever receive was his only because the רבש”ע willed it to be so. Thus, he had no need to gain an extra buck by allowing his kids or sheep to pasture on someone else’s property.

At our event this past Adar II, Yitz Goldman, Rabbi Chaim Silver, and Shmuli Kahan had a roundtable discussion about their experiences in the workplace . They pointed out that there are plenty of times when there is gray money either to take or to turn a blind eye towards; just as one can pretend not to see where one’s animals eat from. However, the truly frum Yid has the proper Emuna, follows in the footsteps of Avraham Avinu and waits to receive his פרנסה בהיתר ולא באיסור. Watch or listen above to see what they had to say.

VAYERA 5780 -



When Avraham Avinu ascended Har Hamoriah to the Akeida with Yitzchok he left Yishmael and Eliezer behind with the donkey. There are many that raise the question, why was it necessary to leave the donkey behind? Why couldn’t they bring the donkey up with them?

Rabbi Yosef Elefant שליט״א, R”M in Yeshivas Mir Yerushalayim, raised this question at an event in Lakewood, NJ. He quoted the Maharal who offers a life-changing perspective. The donkey, חמור, represents materialism, חמריות. When one is ascending to serve הקב״ה they must leave their materialism behind. The Maharal notes that the Avraham said “נלכה ונשתחוה ונשובה” meaning that they were going to return to their donkey i.e. physicality, because human beings need to connect to the physical world. However, when we go to serve הקב״ה, we need to take the example from Avraham Avinu and leave the donkey behind. Watch or listen above to see how this applies to us.




One of the problems that people face when they leave Yeshiva and join the workforce is that they lack proper role models. While in Yeshiva, the goal is to grow in Torah, and therefore Rebbeim, Rabbanim, and Roshei Yeshiva serve as appropriate examples of what to strive for. One who is working, however, needs to find someone who maintains the perfect balance of living a Torah life while successfully fulfilling his obligations. This is sometimes hard to find, as the ones who are living properly keep their accomplishments to themselves.

Rabbi Daniel Glatstein, in a shiur on TorahAnytime, explained a vort from Rav Moshe Feinstein זצ”ל. The Pasuk tells us at the end of the Parsha that Yaakov Avinu saw מלאכים and exclaimed that this is the camp of Hashem. Rav Moshe writes that from here we see that in our generation one who serves Hashem properly needs to do so publicly. Rabbi Glatstein suggests that perhaps Rav Moshe was understanding this from the fact that the מלאכים were visible unlike in the time of Avraham Avinu. During the period of Galus symbolized by Yaakov Avinu the angels needed to be apparent. So too do those of us who are B’nei Torah need to have our way of life evident to those who see us.

There is another reason why this is so important. When there is a dearth of people living properly the expectations are lowered for all. However, when we are conspicuous in our Avodas Hashem the standards of proper behavior remain as they did while we were in Yeshiva. Watch or listen above to see what he had to say.




Yaakov Avinu left his family and crossed back over the Yabok river to collect some small jars. We all know the aftermath of his solitary crossing, which is the struggle that he had with the angel of Eisav. What, however, spurred Yaakov Avinu to go back for something seemingly insignificant? Wasn’t he a wealthy man?

In Part 7 of his series Emunah in the Workplace (links to all shiurim can be found here), Rabbi Bentzion Shafier of theshmuz.com discusses this question. He explains that Yaakov Avinu appreciated every dime that was granted to him by הקב”ה and thus deemed it important to go retrieve what was already given to him. Rabbi Shafier then expounds upon the concept of saving your money, and the Torah perspective on it. He laments the lack of thrift in our generation and that the secret to wealth, surprisingly enough, is to not spend the money you have. Baruch Hashem we live in a generation with so many advances that make our lives easier. But our wants, and presumed needs, have just grown even further than what we can handle.

For an excerpt, listen above.



Yosef Hatzadik was faced with one of the most incredible spiritual challenges that exist. Potiphar’s wife attempted to seduce him to be with her, and Yosef was vulnerable; a lonely lad with no contact with his family. Yet, Yosef Hatzadik ran away from her; understanding that he wouldn’t be able to continue spiritually unscathed any longer.

This week the H3 Halacha Summit took place in Chicago, Illinois. At last year’s event, Rabbi Moshe Kaufman שליט”א of Chicago discussed proper conduct in the workplace. He mentioned two stories; one of a young Jewish girl who, before she knew it, found herself in a sticky situation with one of her colleagues. The second story he mentioned was of someone who followed Yosef Hatzadik’s initiative and fled from a place that was bound to destroy his marriage and Judaism. In discussing how to ensure that one doesn’t fall he quoted a thought from Rav Shimon Shkop זצ”ל. Torah laws that do not have boundaries are very easy to transgress. The difference between a friendly, amiable greeting to a colleague and having a non-business related shmooze is but a hair. It is up to us to establish boundaries to ensure that we do not find ourselves someplace we don’t want to be. Watch or listen above for what he had to say.




Chanuka is a special time; truly the light that shines forth and illuminates the dark winter months. The Rambam (Hilchos Chanuka 4:12) writes that the Mitzva of Ner Chanuka is extremely precious; a terminology not found with regard to other mitzvos. What is so special about this Mitzva that makes it so cherished?

In a video sent out by Yeshiva Mir Yerushalayim, Harav Ahron David שליט”א discusses this question. He quoted Harav Chaim Shmuelevitz זצ”ל, who came to explain a Rashi in the Gemara in Shabbos (:כא). The miracle that is the impetus for the Yom Tov of Chanuka is that of the oil, and not that we defeated the Greeks. Rav Chaim Shmuelevitz explains that this added miracle at the end is likened to a mother who after diapering and changing a child gives the child a kiss. Although the what was necessary for the child’s well being is to be changed, it is the kiss that expresses the love. So too, the B’nei Yisroel would have been permitted to use the impure oil under the circumstances; but when the oil lasted for eight days they truly felt Hashem’s love. During Chanuka, as we adoringly prepare our oil and wicks, we can search for the hidden kiss that we receive each day. Although we have busy schedules, and we may not feel like we are constantly connected, we can still find the places where we receive extra love from Hashem. Watch or listen above for what he had to say.




The Siyum Hashas of Daf Yomi was truly an incredible event. It was a gathering of so many in Klal Yisroel who came together to demonstrate their understanding of the importance of Limud Hatorah, and especially the ambition to finish Shas. There were many incredible thoughts mentioned throughout the day, but the closing point of Rabbi Yissocher Frand שליט”א, Rosh Yeshiva of Ner Yisrael Baltimore, was one of the highlights of the Siyum.

The concept of creating goals is not foreign to anyone. Everyone, at some point in their life, performs a task that requires a commitment of time and effort to see it to completion. Building a sukka, taking a course, and finishing a project in the office are but a few examples. Creating goals with our Limud Hatorah should be no different; until the Yetzer Hora convinces us that Limud Hatorah is for Hashem and therefore it must be perfect. And that is when we must remember what Rabbi Frand שליט”א called “one of the great truths of life”; that the perfect is the enemy of the good. Perfection should be the direction in which we steer ourselves, but cannot be an “all or nothing” goal. We must realize that all that we accomplish is tremendous, and if we keep on doing good we will reach our objective. Watch or listen above for what he had to say.

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